Action Soccer Registration Form "*" indicates required fields Team Name* First Captain - Full Name* First Captain - Contact Number*Captain - Email Address* Vice Captain - Full Name First Vice Captain - Contact Number*Previous League Division* Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Preferred Time Slots 6:15pm 7pm 7:45pm 8:30pm 9:15pm Preferred Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Action Sports Terms & Conditions*1. Game fees are R525 per team per game and fees need to be paid BEFORE the start of the game. 2. Registration is R525 and is payable by game week 3. If your registration is received by game week 3, you will receive a Bar tab of R420 or Free practice session and is redeemable from Game week 5 ONLY. 3. If registration fee is not paid by game week 5 it will be added to OUTSTANDING fees. 4. Players are only allowed to play for 1 team per night. 5. Each team will only be allowed 1 postponement per league season and this postponement needs to be communicated within 48 hours before the game. Any late requests for postponements will be seen as a forfeit. 6. Teams will be requested to keep up to date with payments as there will be no teams playing playoffs/finals if their accounts are outstanding! 7. At the end of the 10 week league, the team with the most points will be declared champions and given the trophy. 8. After the round robin group stages, the team with the most points will be declared league champions, however we will then begin the Cup section of the league and teams will go into Prelims, Semifinals and Finals to play for medals. 9. Each team will need to register a maximum of 12 players for a league season. Only those players whom have been registered will be allowed to play in that team for the season. 10. Please note, any team withdrawing form the league will be liable to a withdrawal fee of R1000. 11. Management has the sole discretion to move a team within the leagues. 12. We, the undersigned, hereby irrevocably indemnify and keep identified the owner/management against all loss (consequential or otherwise), damage, injury and/or death, cost, interest and expenses which the owner/management may hereafter be held liable for, pay, incur or sustain in connection with any action, proceedings or claim being instituted against it by any party whomever, including the legal guardian of the minor child, directly or indirectly arising from or related to the use of all action cricket facilities, In Respect of all players involved in the above mentioned team including all minors. It is expressly agreed that the owner/management in its sole discretion may resolve any action; proceedings or claims instituted against it and all including the legal guardian shall abide and perform accordingly. I hereby confirm my teams entry and will adhere to the competitions rules set out by the Arena as well as agree to the above mentioned TERMS & CONDITIONS OF PLAY Δ